Tuesday, December 16, 2014

YMCA Tennis information

YMCA single / group lessons from YMCA Coach George Zhang.   He can be reach at 540-710-3732(cell)  dragonzhang@juno.com  if interested or if you have any questions.

If you decide you want lessons,  here is the cost below
1)Private lesson for 1 player is $46 per hour
2)Private lesson for 2 players is $27.50 per hour
3)Group lessons for 3 players $20 * 6 sessions = $120 per person paid in full before session start
4)Group lessons for 4-6 players cost $15 * 6 sessions = $90 per person paid in full before session start

The price includes indoor court time.

YMCA TENNIS - SEE WEB LINK for other tennis information.


Monday, December 15, 2014

It's getting closer!!!

I hope everyone enjoys the winter break and holiday season!!!  See you all in a two months!!!  Stay tuned as I will post important dates in mid January!

Also, I wanted to let everyone know about upcoming junior clinic options during the holidays. 

Also, the next regular clinic session will begin Monday, January 19 and end Thursday, Feb. 26.  We will try to get that out to you in early January.  Those will be from 6-7:30 PM, with LE on M/W and HS Clinic T/TH. 

Please contact GARY WEST with any questions and to register or:

Todd Helbling, Men's Tennis Coach
Director of Tennis
University of Mary Washington
Cell: 540-809-9147,  O: 540-654-2486